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Northern Beaches Cafe

Habits of being a coffee lover

Transforming yourself into a coffee lover is a lifestyle change that can take place any day of the year. Find out some of the steps to become a coffee lover and start your journey to a healthier lifestyle.

Also read: Hooked on Australian Coffee Culture

Complexity: The more simple a recipe is, the easier it is to succeed. If a recipe requires you to buy a special ingredient (which you may not have easy access to or may cost a bit more) that is more of a challenge. You would be much more successful if you find a simple recipe your family can enjoy.

Transformation: If you are a person who has not given up the coffee once and has instead decided to quit the habit, you still have to overcome the dependency. Find simple recipes your family will enjoy. Sometimes, special ingredients just have to be special. The best way to discover these recipes is to experiment.

Hardness of dependency: The more you crave something sweet, the harder it is to give it up. If you have a hard time giving up cake, consider baking with ghee. This provides sweetness without the calories of the frosting.

Agriculture: converting good pasture into feed for cattle is mindless monoculture. The local harvest is what has to be done. The country side is where the farmers do their work. They care very much for the land and its future. You will see the differences.

Nutrition: My conversion to a primarily raw food diet was the greatest part of my path to wellness. Up until that point, I was not even sure how much sugar I was consuming. Now, I understand. The change in my diet was dramatic, but was simply about learning moderation. You don’t have to eat completely raw to benefit from the healing qualities of a raw food diet.

What do you look for in a top quality cup of coffee?
Visit one of our Northern Beaches Cafe to try our specialty coffee and freshly baked breads.

Sydney Barista making Speciality Coffee

Are you a true coffee lover?

It takes more than just picking up a fork in order to make significant change. You have to change your beliefs, changing the way in which you view food, relationships, your place in the world. Our belief system is created by a lifetime of experiences. How were you raised? What values do you ascribe to in terms of food? Exercise? Spirituality? Why do you think you chose this lifestyle?… and the answers aren’t always easy.

For me, it was tough at first, but I made it through because I believed in myself. I knew that I was doing the best I could for myself and that, when given the right tools, I could do better. What I found is that the toolbox I am holding in my hand is the most powerful tool I can handle.

Once I understood that I had to approach diet and nutrition as a holistic process, I searched to find a way to unpacked that box and begin unpacking the many roles that food plays in my life.

What I found is that food is about much more than just running four miles a day and eating less than a banana. We are much more than just how we feel when we eat and what we put on our plate. We have to look at the bigger picture. We have to stop and think about the larger picture-the concept of nourishment through food intake. What we really are is what we experience.

When our body is fed what it needs, then our mind is able to release whatever is felt from the digestion process, be it mental or emotional stress, hunger, thirst, or sleepiness. If the body is not nutritionally balanced in respect to the proper intake of macro nutrients, e.g. protein, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, etc, then the mind will continue to experience tension and stress, and thus, eventually, burn out. Our energy is derived from the foods we eat, the air we breathe, and the water we drink. When our car is fueled with what it needs, then the mind is able to release whatever is felt, fear, anxiety, stress, guilt, self doubt, or negative feelings. If the mind isn’t able to fully release what is felt, e.g. due to poor digestion, presence of toxins, then the energy reserves for the mind are being used to pay attention to the sensations of the mind, and not the digestive system itself.


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